Gale: Canada in Context
Login Information: Log in using the generic digital resources username and password. If you don’t know the generic login, ask your school’s Teacher Librarian.
Suitable for: Grades 8 to 12
Brief Description: Research database with print resources, video clips and primary source documents on international topics, including: news, countries, statistics and current global issues.
Vendor Description:
Created for students and researchers studying Canada, its people, and its history, Canada In Context spans the North American continent to deliver a full range of country-specific topics including First Nations Government of Canada, Canadian Literature, Gun Control/Gun Registry, and biographies of Canadian figures, as well as information on technology, sports, industry, and more, all delivered from a uniquely Canadian perspective. Curriculum-aligned content includes encyclopedias, CBC videos, NPR audio selections, global news feeds, and articles from Canadian newspapers and magazines.
Student's Resources:
- MLA, APA and Chicago style citations can be generated for any article using the "Cite" button at the top of the page.
Teacher Resources:
- Educator Resources such as curriculum standards, worksheets, and Research & Report tips for high school students can be found by clicking on "Educator Resources" or "Curriculum Standards" at the bottom of the homepage.
- Training support for teachers can be found here: Canada in Context Training. This includes scavenger hunts, resource guides, tip sheets, and videos.