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EBSCO Science Reference Center


Login Information: Log in using the generic digital resources username and password. If you don’t know the generic login, ask your school’s Teacher Librarian.

Suitable for: Grades 8-12

Brief Description: Full-text database that includes periodicals, books, biographies, essays, science experiments, and videos from educational publishers such as NASA, National Geographic Nature Picture Library, and others.


Vendor Description: Science Reference Center allows users to conduct keyword searches or browse topics by branch of science. In addition to full-text periodicals, books, biographies and essays, it includes:

  • More than 1,000 science experiments
  • More than 2,000 science videos from top educational publishers including Boclips, Media4Math and Nature Picture Library
  • Thousands of high-quality science images from UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and Nature Picture Library

Student's Resources:
- Generate MLA, APA, and Chicago style citations by clicking on "Cite" above of any article.

Click Here to access Science Reference Center

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