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Take Care of the World on Earth Day and Every Day

Earth%20day%20Chimney%20Hill%20El.jpgChimney Hill Elementary is just one of the schools across the district recognizing Earth Day and teaching students how to protect the planet.

Earth Day is on Saturday and schools across the district are providing students with learning opportunities to understand how they can make positive environmental change every day of the year.

For the past 53 years, Earth Day has helped spread awareness and knowledge around the importance of protecting the planet, with 193 countries participating in Earth Day every year. The annual campaign has influenced public policy and grown to become the world’s largest environmental movement.

Schools across the district are pitching in to do their part, including Woodland Park Elementary students learning their role in helping the environment, Chimney Hill Elementary students wearing green and blue to promote awareness, and Clayton Heights Secondary’s Project Equal group giving away free seed bombs.


There are numerous ways to protect the environment and take care of the Earth, including:

  • Picking up litter and properly disposing of it in garbage cans
  • Recycling paper and plastic products
  • Putting food and other organics in the compost
  • Planting more trees and flowers, and watering plants that are thirsty
  • Turning the lights off when you leave the room and unplugging appliances that aren’t in use
  • Walking or riding your bike or scooter instead of driving
  • Donating non-perishable food, toys or clothing that you no longer want
  • Turning the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth and only using the amount of water you need

Here are some additional suggestions from our Energy Management and Sustainability department for what students and families can do around the house to make an impact:

  • Reduce natural gas use: Natural gas used to heat homes and hot water is a major source of climate change emissions, so cut back where possible.
  • Wash your clothes with cold water: The cold water option will still get your clothes clean and reduce the need to heat water.
  • Take shorter showers: Setting a time limit on showers can also reduce the need to heat water. Also, consider installing a low flow showerhead.
  • Lower the thermostat: Especially in cooler weather, turning the heat down by a few degrees overnight can reduce the use of energy by your furnace.
  • Install LED lights: LEDs consume less energy, which saves money on your electric bill!
  • Put food waste in the organics bin: Make sure your food waste is disposed of properly instead of ending up in the landfill.
  • Reduce plastic wrap and plastic bag usage: Package food in reusable containers instead.
  • Track your energy use: Sign up at the BC Hydro (MyHydro) and FortisBC websites to access your home account – challenge yourself to reduce your use!
  • Grow herbs and vegetables at home.
  • Consume less meat and dairy: Consider a more vegetarian diet as meat and dairy production has a significant environmental impact.

For more actions you can take for Earth Day at home, visit the official Earth Day Canada website.

For more information on saving energy and recycling, visit BC Hydro, FortisBC and the City of Surrey's Waste Collection Services page.

Every little bit helps – do your part to stop climate change!

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