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Working - Resume & Cover Letter

It takes work to get work!  Have you started looking for a job?  If you have, you'll know that it is not always easy and it can take time to create a resume and cover letter. 

It is important to understand the difference between a cover letter and a resume.   A cover letter should focus specifically on the job you're applying to. While some information might appear in both documents, a cover letter usually focuses more on present and future objectives and a resume represents previous education and work experiences.

When looking for a job:

  1. Search for something that is easy for you to commute to by transit.
  2. Search for something close to your home or school.
  3. Apply on-line, then go visit the place you applied and introduce yourself to the hiring manager and have your resume/cover letter available if they want it.
  4. Send a thank you note to the place you have applied to.
  5. Remember there are many other students like you wanting the same job, so the previous four steps can help you stand out.

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