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The 2023-2024 clubs are listed below. You will find a general description of the club, meeting times and location. There may also be link that provides additional detail regarding the specific club. 


TitleMeeting TimesDescriptionStaff Sponsor(s)  
Anime ClubWednesday 3:00-4:30 in Room 204The purpose of the FHSS Anime Club is to promote school community using Japanese pop culture as a common interest. Mr. Ho
Art ClubWednesday lunch room 125Statement of Purpose:  
 1. To encourage and support student’s artistic expression. 
 2. To foster a community of artists in the school.  
 3. To promote art cub members artwork through shows, competitions and other events. 
Mr. Dyment
Art of Our CommunityFridays at Lunch. Bi-Weekly in Room 125The Fraser Heights Art of Our Community club will be the first community-oriented club to incorporate the arts into its initiatives. Through opportunities like decorating the walls of Fraser Heights Recreation Centre or organising music performances at Fleetwood Villa, we can provide artistic individuals an outlet for expressing themselves and giving back to the community. Mr. Dyment
Astronomy ClubWednesday lunchtime or after school, Location TBDThe Astronomy Club will serve as a platform for kids who have a passion for astronomy and want to discuss various related topics, engage in actual research, and raise awareness about the fascinating and expansive field of astronomy.Ms. Collins 
Bhangra/Bollywood Dance ClubFridays 3-4 pm NLCThis club's specific emphasis on Bhangra and Bollywood brings a unique and enriching cultural experience to the school community.Mr. Hundal & Ms. Kambo
BC Children's Hospital ClubTuesdays at lunch D104Through fundraisers, volunteering and in conjunction with the BCCH foundation, we provide opportunities for students to gain awareness and get involved to help support BCCH and all they do for children in BC.Ms. Gonsales
Bee ClubTuesday Lunch BASES RoomTo learn about & care for Bees. To help peek interest in caring for the environment, future careers and hobbies. Mr. Pielak
Best BuddiesThursday Lunch BASES Room To encourage and provide a venue for Friendship, integration and social interaction between BASES students and the typical student population.Mr. Pielak
Book Lovers Club At the beginning of lunch, in the library, first Thursday of the month  To be able to spread positivity and the love for books and friendshipMs. Parker - Jervis 
BSU - Black Student Union Every Other Friday Room D201To ensure that black students have a voice and can work towards education and awareness as well as discussion of relevant issues in the black community. Ms. Kambo
Calls For Action ClubEvery Other Wed Lunch Room D106To inform the larger community of events and actions made towards reconciliation. To support our schools' indigenous community through events, fundraising and exposure.Ms. Muir
Chess ClubFridays at lunch in room 213To provide an environment for students to play, learn, or simply observe chess. Ms. Rakkar
Cultural Diversity & Equity ClubEvery other Thursday D201 To celebrate the cultural diversity that exists in Fraser heights and the larger community, such as cultural days like Lunar New Year, Dia de los Murtos, Diwali, Vasaikhi, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, among others. Ms. Kambo
DebateTuesdays after school room 213We are a group of passionate individuals dedicated to fostering an inclusive atmosphere, where everyone feels safe expressing their views. We hope to teach students how to debate, critically think and publicly speak well.Ms. Rakkar
Dungeons and DragonsWednesdays at lunch & Fridays after school Room 216DnD focuses on skill building, community, and bringing students of all ages together to work towards a single goal. DnD uses all of the Core Competencies: Critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and personal/social responsibility in each and every session. Ms. Balikis
E-commerce and MarketingD202, Thursday 15:00-16:00The goal of the E-commerce and Marketing Club is to provide students with more hands-on, practical-based business activities instead of the theoretical analysis aspect of business (eg. case studies, competitions, etc.).Ms. Tran
Endangered Species Club Mondays - 3:00 - 4:00 P7Our club will give students a sense of accomplishment by working to make the world a better place in terms of the animals or the environment. As well as this, we will try our best to make our club and work as fun as possible.Mr. Bedard
Environment Club TBA at lunch Room 203Environmental Club is a group of concerned students/volunteers that are committed to raising awareness about environmental issues and to reducing environmental impact as individuals, a school community, and as citizens of the world.Ms. Sereda
E-Sports ClubTuesdays 3-4:30 Room 204The FHSS E-sports club is a place to welcome students of all sorts to a fun, exciting environment. We are building a great community where everyone can experience and share common interests in games such as Valorant, League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Super Smash Bros, and more. Competitive or non-competitive, everyone is here to have a good time through exciting tournaments, in-house gaming sessions, and prizes!Mr. Ho
Ethics BowlWednesdays afterschool Room 216Ethics Bowl aims to teach discussion skills using real life situations. Ethics Bowl is a great opportunity for students to improve their communication, thinking and personal social core competencies outside of the classroom. Ms. Balikis 
FHYFC (Youth For Care)Every 2nd Monday at lunch Room D105FHYFC club is dedicated to providing opportunities such as Doc Talks, hospital tours, and various volunteer opportunities with the Surrey Hospital Foundation.  We will also be putting together care kits for children that are spending more time in the hospital.Ms. Brar
Fraser Heights Auto ClubTuesdays at 11:05 in portable 9This Car club will be a great platform for students who are car enthusiasts & passionate to learn more about automobiles . Mr.  Dewar
Game DevelopmentTuesdays Lunchtime Room 109 Thursdays after school remote online 4:30-6 pmTo teach students how to code, organize challenge questions, and give information about contests, university applications, etc.Mr. McManus
Hawk WordThursdays at lunch Room 217Hawk Word is representative of the Fraser Heights creative community in journalism. We work towards creating publications to inform our community of the amazing things that are going on in the community, while providing students with the opportunity to share their voices and talents. Mr. Kelly
Helping HandsEvery other Wednesday D 201To help the community by lending a helping hand both by connecting and by assisting. Some initiatives this club would like to do are helping seniors on a regular basis at Fleetwood Villa. Students also help with weekly ELL Student conversations and mentorship called Tuesday Talks, at Fraser heights.Ms. Kambo
Homework club Tuesdays & Thursday at lunch Room 210Grade 11-12 students (peer tutors) will be spending their lunch hour helping students in grade 8-12 who need support with their academic classes. Ms. Morton
HopeWednesday at lunch every other week room d203HOPE distinguishes itself through its comprehensive approach to humanitarian outreach and empowerment. While there are clubs focused on various causes, what sets HOPE apart is the combination of our two-pronged approach.Ms. Li
International Ambassadors Club3rd Monday of the month at lunch Room 209The International Ambassador Club is dedicated to promoting cultural appreciation and equality amongst our large International Student population at Fraser Heights Secondary. The Ambassador’s work with new and returning International Students to develop community and a sense of belonging in our school and in the community at large. Mr. Clarke
 Ms. Chatha
LEO ClubTuesdays at lunchThe Fraser Heights Leo Club is a community and teamwork oriented service club. We strive to build community through cultivating a team of individuals who have a passion for giving back and for developing skills such as leadership, communication, and initiative through a multitude of experiences. Ms. Currie
Math Contest ClubThursday 3pm Room 207Support for those wanting to do well on math contestsMr. Myung
Mechatronics Club Tuesday 3 pm Room 218Our club will be focused on learning, designing, and competing on everything related to mechatronics. This will include electronics, robotics, engineering, along with other STEM subjects. Our club will compete in the CANSAT and Junior CANSAT competition hosted every May in Alberta, as well as other possible competitions such as the Space Apps Challenge. Mr. Larkin
MEDIA CREATIVE ARTSWednesday 11:10 Lab 105Filming and creating videos for the school events allows an opportunity for students to explore the different aspects  of media and film making.Mr. Pahal
Mock TrialsMondays after school room 213Our club’s mandate is to encourage students to learn about the Canadian legal system in a fun and interactive manner, with an emphasis on trials. The club also aims to encourage its members to develop their critical thinking and public speaking skills.Ms. Rakkar
Model UNFriday after school room 213Model United Nation will explore different forums within the United Nations and will aim to teach members how MUN works while enhancing their understanding of politics and adding new skills such as quick problem solving and public speaking.Ms. Rakkar
Muslim Students AssociationGeneral Meetings - Wednesdays @ Lunch in P10 (Monthly) Exec Meetings - Fridays @ Lunch in P10 (Biweekly) The MSA of FHSS, or Muslim Student Association of Fraser Heights Secondary School, is a club that pushes to allow Muslim students of Fraser Heights to freely and comfortably practice their faith in School. Mr.  Ramanathan
Pride Club GSAEvery other Wednesday D 201to provide a space for planning of pride events, of more inclusive practices that students would like to participate in and plan and organize, and to educate and empower each other to provide the most celebration possible of all students. Ms. Kambo
Red CrossBiweekly on Thursdays at lunch Room 216Gain leadership and volunteering experience, educate yourself on global issues, help fundraise for humanitarian aid, and much more! Red Cross incorporates all of the Core Competencies in the events we do and how we go about helping our communities near and far! Ms. Balikis
Robotics ClubMondays & Wednesdays
at lunch Room 102
This is a club for grades 10-12.  We meet because we like robots, and want to build and compete robots.   Competitions are usually every six weeks from October-May.Ms. Desrochers
Science ClubWednesdays 3:00-4:00 Room D101The Fraser Heights Science Club strives to ignite/fuel a passion for science in students from across the school through a diverse range of engaging activities, competitions, and lessons.     These include participation in in-school competitions like egg drop, mouse-trap cars, and wiki-races.  Some external opportunities offered through the club include UBC Physics Olympics, Science Fair projects, and other science competitions.Mr. Struik
Students’ Union and Education ClubFridays at lunch (every other week) biweeklyThe goal of this club is to provide students with the chance to explore education-based volunteering opportunities while also enhancing their own education by exposing them to a wide range of programs and scholarshipsMs. Mui
TED (Technology, Engineering, Design Club)Thursdays at lunch, room 102, twice per month. See teams page.TED Club aims to create a community of like-minded individuals who express interest in technology, engineering, and design.Ms. Desrochers
Trading Clubtuesday, thursday, friday, at lunch, Mr. Soyka's room (P4)The objective of the club is to educate members on scientific/quantitative ways to analyze financial markets (technical analysis), learn about trader psychology, as well as risk managementMr. Soyka
Trivia ClubThursdays at lunch Room 103To prepare students for the Reach for the Top interschool quiz contest, play trivia games, and choose teams to represent Fraser Heights at Reach for the Top SchoolReach.Mr. Hasan
Unicef United ClubThursdays @ Lunch bi-weekly in P9Mission: The UNICEF Unite club will empower students to become global citizens by participating in various fundraising opportunities as well as learning to spread awareness about children in underdeveloped countries. We hope to build a comfortable and enjoyable community with caring individuals!
Mr. Dewar
World Scholars ClubThursdays at lunch Room 114It will create opportunities for students that are skilled or interested within multiple subject areas to connect with others also interested in similar subject areas and curricula. It also is able to accommodate students of every kind, with there being a section for each subject, allowing all students to demonstrate their talents. Ms. Froelich
Writing ClubFridays, 3-4pm, room 214Although we have many opportunities in Fraser Heights, there is an evident gap when it comes to catering to those who want to go into the humanities. While STEM fields have a considerable amount of resources within our school, literature opportunities are relatively limited comparatively. Through this club, we are able to guide writers into publishing their work.Ms. Brewer
Youth ClubWednesday at Lunch (location TBD, rm 114 or band room)The Youth Club will provide an inclusive community for Christian students of all ages and from diverse multicultural backgroundsMs. Froelich

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