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Program Description:
The Grade 10 Challenge is comprehensive program that runs out of the North Surrey Learning Centre.  The Program is designed for students who are 15 years of age, in their Grade 10 year, who may have fallen behind educationally. These students should be entering Grade 10 but may not have completed Grade 8 or 9 courses. The Program is designed to be completed within one year, with the goal of students returning to a secondary school as Grade 11 students.
Grade 10 Challenge operates on a half day schedule from Monday to Thursday with sessions in the morning or the afternoon, with no formal classes on Friday. In order to meet the goals of the program and to remain in good standing, students must attend on a regular basis. Lack of regular attendance and poor progress may jeopardize one's placement in the program.
Courses can be interdisciplinary in design and consist of a number of units. The courses are structured so that a unit of work can be completed within a one to two-week time frame. This will ensure that all Grade 10 courses can be completed in two semesters.
Assignments and tests are components of each course. English 10, Science 10, and Math 10 require students to write the Provincial Exam. A student who does not write the Provincial Exam will not receive credit for the course regardless of his/her school mark.  The Ministry of Education sets the schedule for Provincial Exams.  It is the responsibility of the student to sit the exam at the scheduled time, regardless of the session a student attends.
If a student completes all the courses before the end of the school year, he or she may take a Grade 11 level course as time permits.
Please be advised that Grade 10 Challenge Program is designed for students of average to above average ability.  It is not designed or resourced for students with severe learning disabilities or other significant learning issues.
Time: Monday - Thursdays, Sept - June
Location: North Surrey Learning Centre
Contact: 778.578.4434 /
Visit Program Department Page: The Grade 10 Challenge Program

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