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Coming Up at Coyote Creek January 15-19

Hello Families of Coyote Creek,

We are inside with students today enjoying the warmth on a very cold and wintry Friday. We have been so happy to welcome all of our students back to school this week after the recent winter break. We are also excited to be opening registration for the 2024/2025 school year next week on Monday, January 15th at 9:00am.

On Monday, our school will be honouring Black Excellence Day to raise awareness around struggles that BIPOC faces here and worldwide and preparing our students to speak up and out against racism where ever it shows itself. We encourage our students and staff to wear black on Monday in support of Black Shirt Day and Black Excellence Day.


Our Gr. 7 students were lucky to go to Grouse Mountain this week on a fantastic and active adventure! Please enjoy some pictures below:


We want to continue to encourage our families to send children to school dressed for wintry weather conditions in warm clothes with lots of layers for warmth. While we kept students inside today due to extreme weather, we try to send students outside for physical and mental wellness during a typical school day. 


The Week Ahead

Monday, Jan. 15 - Black Excellence Day / K-7 registration opens for 24/25 school year 9:00am 

Tuesday, Jan. 16 - No events today

Wednesday, Jan. 17 - Hardbite Chip Sales at Recess ($2.00)

Thursday, Jan. 18 - No events today

Friday, Jan. 19 - Spirit Day: Winter Wonderland


Monday, Jan 22 - Subway Hot Lunch Orders Due by Today

January 23- Fleetwood Dance Assembly 9:10 - 9:50 (Gr. 4-7 only)

January 25- Earthquake Drill #2

January 26 - Subway Hot Lunch

January 29-  Heritage Week Begins

February 2- Heritage Week Ends

March 11-15- Book Fair!

Snow and Winter Weather

With the weather getting chillier, and overnight temperatures hovering around zero degrees, it's important for parents, caregivers, students and staff to know the district's severe weather procedures for announcing school closures, delayed openings or cancellations.

In the event of snow, all schools in the Surrey School District will remain OPEN, except under extreme circumstances.

When all schools are closed:

Any districtwide closure or delayed school opening will be announced on the Surrey Schools website and individual school websites, as well as communicated on the district’s X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram accounts. Staff will also receive an email.

An announcement will be made by 7 a.m. at the latest, based on the best information available at that time.

Please note: Typically, only cancellations, closures or delayed school openings will be announced. Except under extreme circumstances, no announcement will be made that schools are open.

When schools are open:

** Student safety is our first priority and a shared responsibility. As always, parents and caregivers may choose to make other arrangements if they don't feel it is safe to travel to school. Students will not be penalized for such absences. **

To ensure safe travel to and from school, families who choose to attend should plan ahead by:

  • allowing extra travel time, to prevent rushing on icy or wet roads;
  • checking transit schedules and routes, to plan alternative transportation if needed; and
  • wearing weather-appropriate footwear to avoid slips and falls.

How are school closures decided?

Given the varying weather conditions across Surrey and White Rock, a variety of factors are considered before a decision to close schools is made. The district takes the following steps in determining whether to delay opening or close schools due to weather:

  • Designated staff members travel predetermined routes to assess conditions at and around school sites.
  • A recommendation to close schools or cancel buses is discussed with key district personnel, as well as neighbouring school districts. Student and staff safety are always our top priority.
  • A variety of factors are taken into consideration, including road, sidewalk and parking lot conditions, and issues such as power outages and other emergent matters.

For more information, please check our information brochure, available in EnglishPunjabiChinese and Arabic.

Book Fair

Mark your calendars! Screen%20Shot%202024-01-12%20at%2012.33.10%20PM.png

Book Fair is coming to Coyote Creek March 11-15!

Thank you Ms. Turner for organizing this event for our school!

Fraser Health and Mental Health

Know when and how to access mental health support for your child

Mental illnesses are common in children and young people, they can have a significant impact on their development, relationships and their performance in school. Getting help early can prevent symptoms from becoming more severe and support a faster recovery. 

Where do I start if my child or teen needs help?

A good place to start is by talking with your child/teen about how things have been going for them and what you’ve noticed.

Keep in mind that children and teens vary in their ability to talk about their feelings and experiences. They may not have the vocabulary to describe feelings. They also may not understand what’s going on for them or make the connections between something in their life and their struggles.

How do I talk to my child or teen?

Here are some tips to help start a conversation with your child:

  • Find a good time and place to talk. Driving to and from places, preparing dinner, or cleaning up after a meal are great opportunities to talk.
  • Ask how they are or if they’d like to talk about anything that’s going on for them.
  • If they say they’re fine or nothing is wrong, explain why you’re concerned and offer specific examples that you’ve noticed.
  • Acknowledge how it must be difficult for them.
  • Ask about what strategies/actions they find helpful. Acknowledge their strengths.
  • Discuss how mental health is part of everyone’s life – and not just about severe problems.
  • Talk about how sometimes it can take the assistance of others to overcome difficulties. Ask if they would they like to talk with someone.
  • Ask them what they think would help or what they think they need.
  • Offer to make an appointment for your child/teen to see your family doctor – physical issues can sometimes have mental health symptoms associated with them. It’s important to check if there’s any physical issues.
  • Let them know you want to help and that they can always come to you.
  • If your child doesn’t want to talk, let it go and try again in a few days.

Get more information about child and youth metal health:



Art Classes at Coyote Creek


Art Program Jan 17-Mar 6-2024 for Coyote Creek.pdf

Pink Shirt Day Ordering

Deadline for orders: January 31, 2024

Pink Shirt Day is coming February 28th - We have an ordering system available through our Spirit Wear site.


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