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Code of Conduct

At AHP Matthew we believe that students should conduct themselves in a manner which reflects common sense (as deemed appropriate by the school), safety for self and others, and respect for all.  Students are expected to behave in accordance with school guidelines while under school jurisdiction. Students should be free from discrimination of all forms as outlined by the BC Human Rights Code as it is related to the school environment.


Acceptable and unacceptable behavior while at school, attending school related activities (both on and off school grounds) or in any other circumstances where engaging in the activity, will have an impact on the school environment.   There will be rising expectations of behaviour as students mature

Please note that the acceptable and unacceptable behaviours that follow are not all-inclusive lists.

Acceptable Behaviour: 

Be Respectful to Yourself – caring about your learning and yourself, including safety.

  • always do your best                                
  • make good choices
  • be on time and ready to work
  • do your homework and use your planner
  • eat healthy & drink plenty of water
  • get enough sleep each night

Be Respectful To Others – considerate of others’ personal feelings and property.

  • be polite and wait your turn
  • treat others with respect
  • use good listening skills
  • be honest and tell the truth
  • treat others with kindness, respecting others’ race, religion, culture, and sexual orientation/identity
  • ask before touching or borrowing things that do not belong to you

Be Respectful To Property – caring about your school and environment

  • clean up after yourself
  • take good care of materials
  • ask before borrowing
  • take care of school common areas

Be Safe – learn and follow school rules.

  • walk calmly – no running in hallways
  • stay in designated areas
  • report dangerous situations to staff

Our Code of Conduct is designed to provide guidelines for appropriate student behaviour while at school:

Unacceptable Behaviour:

Students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall  a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the basis of any such grounds. Racism and discrimination will not be tolerated in our school. 

Our code applies to behaviour at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, and behaviour beyond these times (including online behaviour) that negatively impact the safe, caring and orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning. 

Inappropriate behaviour can consist of, but is not limited to:

  • rudeness, swearing
  • using racial slurs
  • bullying (a repeated action over time)
  • fighting (or play fighting)
  • lack of respect for others, teasing
  • throwing objects (rocks, sticks, snowballs, etc.)
  • defiant behaviour, insolence
  • running in the halls
  • unauthorized leaving of school grounds
  • littering



  1. Bullying, cyber-bullying), harassment, threat, intimidation and marginalization
  2. Violence in any form 
  3. Abuse in any form (verbal, physical, sexual)
  4. Intolerance and discrimination in any form, i.e. based on an individual or group’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, or age.
  5. Theft and vandalism (or damage to personal and/or school property)
  6. Retribution against a person who has reported incidents


  1. Intoxicating or banned substances (including alcohol, vapes, cigarettes and drugs) 
  2. Theft and vandalism (or damage to personal property)
  3. Weapons or replica (toy) weapons (including laser pointers); explosives (including fireworks) and pepper or other obnoxious sprays.
  4. Intruders or trespassers (all visitors must first report to the office)
  5. Inappropriate/ unacceptable slogans imprinted on clothing


  1. School computers and other electronic devices are only to be used for school/education related activities.   They are not permitted for social networking, gaming, illegal, obscene or inappropriate purposes.  Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to, attempts to vandalize, gain unauthorized access to data or another person’s account or resources, and sharing of data without personal or parental consent as appropriate.
  2. Recording of visual images is not permissible at school unless permission has been received by the classroom teacher with respect to a classroom project.
  3. Students are to be aware that they may be subject to discipline (or, if applicable, confiscation of personal property) for misuse of any technology, if it negatively impacts the school environment.
  4. Misuse of district technology services will lead to suspension of user privileges and possible disciplinary or legal action.


  • Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner and will take into account age, maturity and special needs (ex. intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural disability), severity and frequency of actions.  
  • Whenever possible, responses will be preventative and restorative rather than punitive in nature
  • When appropriate and possible students, are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences.
  • As students become older, and move through successive grades, they will have increased personal responsibility and self-discipline, therefore increasing consequences  for inappropriate conduct.

Inappropriate behaviour can include some of the following interventions:

  • Review of expectations 
  • Redirection to another area to allow for self-regulation
  • Review of expectations, written assignment and/or loss of privileges
  • Parents are informed
  • Meeting with the parents
  • VTRA protocol initiated 
  • Short-term suspensions (in school or at home) 
  • Alternative to suspension program.
  • Consultation with police and/or fire department


School administration will advise parties as follows:

  • Parent/guardian of student exhibiting major behavior problem - every instance.
  • Parent/guardian of student on the receiving end of serious incident - every instance.
  • Assistant Superintendent, Safe Schools Department and/or other District Staff
  • Ministerial agencies and/or School Liaison Officer (RCMP)


General School Rules for Day to Day Conduct (including, but not limited to): 

  1. Respect the authority of school staff and follow directs.
  2. Respect others at all times (do not engage in physical, verbal, emotional or psychological abuse (fighting, bullying, intimidation, intolerance of others because of dress, race, sex, culture or other perceived differences).
  3. Speak and respond respectfully and courteously to adults and students at all times.
  4. Behave in a way that will not result in injury to one’s self or others, whether deliberate or accidental
  5. Walk with care and talk quietly in all areas of the school (walk on the right side of the hall in a quiet and orderly manner)
  6. Attend school regularly and be punctual
  7. Strive to achieve your best in all you do (academic and otherwise)
  8. AHP Matthew is our workplace; do not wear hats inside.
  9. Wear appropriate clothing that is free of inappropriate sayings and logos (clothing that is military in nature, suggestive of gang affiliation, uses foul language or is offensive in nature, is not permitted).
  10. No skateboards, scooters, or roller skates are to be used on school grounds, (must walk)
  11. Bikes should be kept securely locked in the bike racks and must be walked when on school grounds.
  12. Portable video games or other valuables are not permitted at school.
  13. Cell phones are only permitted for the purpose of safety and are to be turned off/on silent  inside the building at all times, remain in backpacks (except in instructional cases with direct teacher supervision and permission).  The school does not assume responsibility for lost or stolen cell phones.

Lunchtime:   At 11:40 students who do not go home for lunch will go outside to play. They come inside to eat at 12:10pm.  On days of inclement weather, an “In-day” may be announced and pupils are expected to find a quiet activity in their classroom to play or work on.

Play Areas:  Students are to remain on the school grounds at all times during the school day, and to play in the appropriate areas. Students must leave all their food wrappers inside the school, and dispose of them properly in the garbage can.


At AHP Matthew our guiding principles represent the soaring EAGLE.  Excellence, Academics, Goals, Learning, Empathy and Safety.  Our school code of conduct promotes these guidelines in all aspects of our school.

Excellence – take pride in your school work, strive to do your best, demonstrate great merit.

Academics – finish your work, do your best, practice what you learned, listen and follow teachers' directions, come prepared.

Goals – fulfilling your dreams, making a plan and then following through with it, expect more from yourself.

Learning – to gain knowledge and skill by studying, and then advancing through experience.

Empathy – understanding and respecting the beliefs and feelings of others.

Safety – beware of strangers, be careful on crosswalk zones, walk inside the school, stay in designated areas, use all equipment the way it was intended.


This Elementary Code of Conduct has been structured to align with, and adhere to the standards outlined in:

  1. The School Act 85 (1.1); 168 (2) (s.1); Provincial Standards Ministerial Order 276/07 (m276/07), effective October 17, 2007.
  2. BC Human Rights Code, as depicted in Surrey Schools Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Policy No.10900; and Regulation No. 10900.1
  3. BC Ministry of Education: Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools, A Guide (November 2008) and Developing and Reviewing Code of Conduct: A Companion (August 2007), both found at
  4. Surrey Schools – Safe and Caring School Handbook – policies, procedures and guidelines for schools found on
  5. Ministerial Order No. M 208:   (a) a reference to each of the prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in section 7 (discriminatory publication) and section 8 (discrimination  in accommodation,  service and facility) of the Human Rights Code, RSBC 1996, c. 210;

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